e-Learning Management

e-Learning & Virtual Academy Platform

We offer a range of consultancy, implementation & support services in the area of e-Learning Management Solutions. Our team of solution specialists & product specialists has years of experience in delivering complex solutions for clients ranging from small & medium business to large scale enterprises.


e-Learning & Content Management 

Virtual Academy Cloud™ is a robust and extendable Learning Management System (LMS) that brings to the market a pure SaaS e-Learning solution including the option to activate an Enterprise Cloud Solution (ECS) which allows the LMS to run on a dedicated Cloud instance.

Virtual Academy Cloud™ (VAC) is a multi-faceted cloud e-Learning solution catering to the e-Learning needs of a variety of different organizations and institutions. Designed as a true Cloud-based platform, Virtual Academy Cloud™ is not just an e-learning solution but a purpose built to be delivered in SaaS as an ecosystem of features and modules that can be adapted to any training requirement. 

Virtual Academy Cloud (VAC)

Virtual Academy Cloud (VAC) is an enterprise eLearning platform made available over the Internet as a cloud offering. This encapsulates the end to end process of education and training from nomination/enrollment to obtaining a certification.

The strongpoint of cost effectiveness here is where the organization is charged a monthly per user subscription. Adapting to that, an organization will not have to bear a considerable initial investment both in terms of hardware and software. VAC delivers a set of services that increases benefits made available to learners who wish of avail themselves of trainings as well as courses offered by the organizations, while following the ‘Cloud Computing’ paradigm, which frees you from the capital expenditure, effort and responsibility of setting up and maintaining a portal.

Virtual Academy MOOC (VAM)

Virtual Academy MOOC (VAM) is an exclusive purpose-built globally accessible content delivery and live training platform that has been conceived, designed, developed and deployed by i-Context. VAM allows students and academics to connect to virtual trainings from anywhere in the world, where they can interactively engage in the learning sessions as they would in a normal classrooms. All aspects of the VAM live learning sessions are 100% interactive. VAM creates a vibrant learning environment which explores new frontiers of knowledge and matches it with the dynamic needs of global markets.

Additionally, VAM can also be used as the instrument to eliminate traditional barriers and ethos regarding learning and development such as, wealth, remoteness and lack of infrastructure.

EduPrep – Content Management

EduPrep brings a mature process, e-Learning domain expertise and high standards of quality to content development projects. As a total e-Learning Solutions Provider, i-Context’s capabilities in the domain are unparalleled.

The content development service helps you realize your vision for your learning and training programs by providing e-Learning Content created to meet your needs, with high quality, delivered on schedule at the right value.

A dedicated, talented and creative team with a wealth of experience in providing tailor-made e-Learning solutions and content development services is made available. This team produces quality content which adheres to global e-Learning standard SCORM.


  • User Management
  • Content Management & Search
  • APIs
  • Responsive
  • Learner portal
  • Course Catalog
  • Assessments
  • Assignments
  • Social Learning
  • Course Authoring
  • Advanced Tracking & Reporting
  • E-Commerce
  • Online Certificate
  • Admin Panel
  • Rate & Review
  • Multilingual
  • Live Learning
  • Course Market Place
  • Micro learning
  • Permissions Management
  • Organization Management
  • Exam Builder